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 Gelöbnis zur Diplomfeier im Grazer-Dom (Jahr 1985) 

Florence Nightingale

Giver of life, give me strenghs,

to do my work with consideration,

true the goal, to save the live,

who are in my care.

Keep my lips clean from insulting words,

give me clear eyes, to see the good in the others,

                        give me gentle hands

                        a warm heart

                        and a patien soul,

so that throuch your mercy, pains may vanish,

                        seek body heal,

                        stronger emotions,

                        the will of live growes.

Help, that I may nobody through ignoranz and

garlessness harm.

For those there are down from harm and pain,

from fear and pain, give me strength do hold.

Give me, dear god, your blessing for my work.

   last update: 22. Februar 2001